What is Rackley RoofCheck Program?
Rackley’s RoofCheck allows you to have regular inspections for your commercial business, letting you maintain your roof over time and avoid any surprises or major roof repairs that could interfere with your business.

Benefits of Rackley RoofCheck
RoofCheck allows you to keep up with your roof maintenance. Regular inspections ensure you catch any roof problems before they get too serious. RoofCheck will save you money in the long run. RoofCheck also keeps your roof under warranty if something does happen to it. Regardless of the condition of your roof, we can take care of you! With our maintenance plans, you can even pay upfront and know we will take care of your roof for the entire year.
What's Covered?
- Regular Inspections – Having regular inspections plays a critical role in discovering damage and keeping your roof in good condition.
- Consistent Upkeep – Removing debris, keeping gutters and downspouts clear, and trimming any overhanging trees are just a few of the things done to maintain your roof.
- Repairs – Any damage will be found and repaired in a timely manner.
- Cleaning – Keeping mold and algae from growing on your roof not only keeps it looking good but also stops any damage they may cause.
- Roof Report – At the end of each inspection, Rackley will provide you with a Roof Report which includes any problems found and how much longer the roof is estimated to last.
- Peace of Mind – There’s nothing more peaceful than knowing that your roof is in the hands of experts who care.